Passionate about protecting our clients
We, at Consult, are committed to a transparent governance process, providing our clients with a high degree of confidence that the company is being managed in compliance with industry best practice. We are committed to protecting our clients’ privacy and take stringent measures to ensure that any personal information collected by us is used lawfully and transparently. Outlined on this page are the processes implemented by us. |
Treating customers fairly | Client centricity is at the core of everything we do here at Consult. We feel so passionately about it that we’ve created a Consult Treating Customers Fairly policy. We aim to provide our clients with sufficient information to enable them to make informed decisions. Outlined below are the processes implemented by us, as an authorised financial services provider (FSP) license 5503, and our financial advisers - who act as our representatives. |
Complaints |
You have the right to complain if you feel that the advice or services provided by any of our financial advisers was not appropriate. Download and complete the Consult Complaint form and email the completed form to [email protected] to submit your complaint. If we are not able to resolve your complaint within six weeks, from the date when we received it, you will be advised to contact the Ombud for Financial Services. For your convenience, their contact details are:
Postal address: PO Box 74571, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040
Tel: 0860 324 766 or (012) 470 9080/99
Fax: 012 348 3447
Should your complaint be related to a product and not to advice or services, which you’ve received from us, you will need to contact the applicable product provider and/or the appropriate ombud, or regulator, responsible for that particular product.
Click here to access Consult’s Complaints Management Process |
Conflict of interest | We strive to avoid any conflict of interest. Where situations occur that could negatively affect our clients, we disclose and manage those in line with our Consult Conflict of interest policy. |
Legal disclosures | Your financial adviser will be able to provide you with the disclosures that we are required to make as a FSP under the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services (FAIS) Act as well as an introductory document, which will disclose information relevant to your financial adviser. |
Risk Management and Compliance Programme (RMCP) | We need to identify our clients in accordance with the Financial Intelligence Centre Amendment Act (FICAA). The processes followed to conduct due diligence on our clients, are contained in the RMCP Contact the Consult compliance office at [email protected]. |
Access to information | It is your constitutional right to have access to information in records held by public or private bodies. The conditions, under which information is to be disclosed and/or denied, is clearly listed in The Promotion of Access to Information Act, No 2 of 2000 (PAIA). As a subsidiary of Momentum Metropolitan Holdings, Consult adheres to the process as described in the Momentum Metropolitan Holdings PAIA manual. |
Privacy Policy | Our Privacy Policy governs the way Momentum Metropolitan treats your personal information, collected electronically when you use our website, to apply online for certain products and services, contact us electronically or register for one of the services we offer on the website. If you have any questions about this notice or Momentum Metropolitan’s treatment of your personal information, please address an email to [email protected]. |
Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 (POPI) |
In terms of the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 (POPI), a client has the right to complain to Consult about the way their personal information is used. Please complete the relevant form:
Contact details |
National Financial Ombuds The Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) Pension Funds Adjudicator The Registrar of Council for Medical Schemes |